Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
Dev Retro 2022: The journey of a day that changes my entire life.
My Journey As A Developer.
My name is Nwaogwugwu Oluomachi Faith, a front-end developer, and a passionate writer. For some months now, I’ve been training as a web developer in Innovation Growth Hub under the scholarship of PIND, located at No. 10 Calabar Street, opposite Abia State Polytechnic Aba. I have developed many websites, and apart from that, I have been involved in web design projects, office work, and as a freelancer.
My Experience:
Choosing a digital skill might sometimes be confusing, in my case, it was so. I started my tech journey as a graphic designer because that was what I know even before going into the tech space. After six months of staying in the tech space, I now know there are many things I can do aside from designing.
I was introduced to coding and at this point I know I would have done something else but not designing though designing is a very good skill that everyone should have still I would have chosen another mastery over it. Well, I didn't regret the months of designing.
I gained a lot of knowledge, including the fundamental design concepts that the majority of people overlook while creating; while understanding how crucial they are. I gained knowledge about color harmony and was introduced to a variety of design tools, including CorelDraw, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, and Canva.
After six months of designing, in April 2022, I applied as a product designer for a digital talent scholarship sponsored by PIND under the Innovation Growth Hub (IGHUB).
With the assistance of Innovation Growth Hub CEO Mr. Daniel Chinagozi, I switched to the digital skill track I had always wanted and dreamed of learning—web programming.
It wasn't as difficult as people had said, nor was it as simple as I had assumed.
I was introduced to various coding editors, including sublime text, notepad, visual studio code, and others. I got to participate in a variety of tech communities, including the women in the tech community.
At this time, I knew exactly what I wanted and was willing to go to any extent to accomplish it. Being around individuals who share my vision and enthusiasm helped drive me even farther and boost my dreams. I received assistance from my senior devs in the field; their guidance, tutorials, and training enabled me to stay ahead of schedule.
My life as a developer hasn't been easy but is enjoyable because I learn new things every day. I was able to improve my interpersonal and teamwork abilities, secure my first developer job, attend several tech events, like the Google Developers Event, and restart my writing.
At a point, it was looking like an impossible mission but my passion took the better part of me.
Giving up has never been an option for me so I faced my fears and pulled through, and in the end, I became a frontend tutor for Ighub kids code camp training and got certified by PIND and Ighub as a frontend developer.